You may also hear that the 1893 was so dangerous that Winchester issued a recall.

Not a great user experience and one that would be rectified on the later Model 1897 with a simple push button. If you want to unload the gun without discharging a live round, you have to carefully push the firing in with your thumb. Which seems normal enough until you realize the only way to unlock it is to depress the firing pin. The 1893 also locks shut when the bolt was drawn forward. This resulted in hang fires being fairly common and so an inertia safety (recoil lock) became critical for commercial shotguns to prevent out of battery detonations. Instead, period smokeless ammunition was vulnerable to moisture and slow or poor ignition in shotgun shells. While it is true that black powder shotgun ammunition was far more common at its release, strength of the lock was not the one and only fault of the ’93. Many people report that the 1893 was a weak action, too feeble to handle smokeless powder. Interestingly that case wouldn’t be settled, in the 1893’s favor, until about the time it left production in 1897. More compact and simpler to use than the Spencer, this second “pump action” to the market had to clear a lawsuit from Francis Bannerman. Having already purchased the Browning lever action design, Winchester would also be the first to take up his slide action. Ours today features both himself and his brother Matthew on the patent. NOTE: Add 100 percent for 16-gauge guns in excellent, very good and good condition.One of John Browning’s less recognized feats was designing about a half dozen shotguns in just a few years. Trench Gun: same as Riot Gun, but fitted with barrel handguard and bayonet. Riot Gun: 12-gauge 20" barrel bored to shoot buckshot plain walnut modified pistol-grip stock grooved slide handle solid-frame or take-down. Brush Gun, Take-down: same as above with take-down feature standard length magazine tube. Brush Gun: 12- or 16-gauge 26" barrel cylinder choke has a slightly shorter magazine tube than standard gun plain walnut modified pistol-grip stock grooved slide handle. Tournament Gun: 12-gauge only 30" barrel select walnut checkered straight-grip stock checkered slide handle top of receiver matted to reduce glare. Pigeon Gun: 12- or 16-gauge 28" barrel on both gauges straight-/pistol-grip stock receiver hand-engraved. Trap Gun: 12- or 16-gauge 30" barrel 12-gauge and 28" barrel 16-gauge fancy walnut stock oil-finish checkered pistol-/straight-grip stock checkered slide handle. Standard Gun: 12- or 16-gauge 30" barrel 12-gauge and 28" barrel 16-gauge plain walnut modified pistol-grip stock grooved slide handle steel buttplate standard. Model 1897 could be ordered in several different configurations: 1. During its 60-year production span, 1,025,000 guns were sold. Model 1897 was a great seller for Winchester.
#Zimmerman antique autoharp value 1893 model full
Available with barrel lengths of 20", 26", 28", 30" and 32" in practically all choke options from Full to Cylinder. Available in 12- or 16-gauge, with 12-gauge in solid or take-down styles 16-gauge in take-down only. Similar to Model 1893, the new model had several improvements such as stronger frame, chamber made longer to handle 2.75" shells, frame top was covered to force complete side ejection, stock made longer and with less drop.